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History of Chettiya Pathu - Aindhu Veettu Saamy - Thoothukudi | Tuticorin District

 Chettiya Pathu Aindhu Veetu Samy Temple - Thoothukudi District - History:

In this page of Thoothukudi Mart, we shall look at the history of one of the ancient temples in Thoothukudi District namely, Chettiyapathu Temple - Thoothukudi.

Aindhu veetu swamy temple

Once upon a time, there was a couple namely Vaduka nathar and Ponnammal in Kazhugumalai of Thoothukudi District and they were worried that they did not have a kid even after 5 years from their marriage. 

They went to Meenakshi Temple and prayed well for a kid. 

That fine day a person said them to have a divine bath in Vaikai river and come to see Meenakshi Amman and pray well. 

The couple took that advise and they went to have divine bath in Vaikai river, in that day they heard a baby crying sound and they saw a beautiful male baby crying and Ponnammal took that baby in hand and hugged it at once. 

That couple started considering that the baby was given by the God to them. Then they prayed Madurai Meenakshi and Sokkar and came back to their house.

As they found that baby in the midst of Thumbai ( name in of a plant in Tamil ), they named the baby as Thumbaiappar, later the same name has got to pronounce as Aiyappar. 

When Thumbaiappar was 7 years old, his parents took him to Meenakshi Ammal Temple for a festival and he was lost in the crowd. 

So that the parents of Thumbaiappar were crying a lot and they got back to their town with disappointment.

On the other hand, Thumbaiappar searched for his parents and he could not found them. 

So he joined in a shop and he was working in that shop. As he was a sincere devote for Meenakshi Amman, he used to pray Meenakshi Amman daily before entering the shop by going to temple. 

One day, in Meenakshi Temple, a lady was there in the temple with red color saree and with red color bindi in the temple.

That lady asked one day to Thumbaiapar that, why he is been coming to the temple and what is his prayer to Meenakshi Amman. 

For that he said he wants to join with his parents again. 

For that she asked him to keep on praying Meenakshi Amman. In the same way that lady was talking to Thumbaiappar for several days.

In the following year, Thumbaiappar parents met him in Meenakshi Amman Temple and they got happy and they hugged their kid with tears. 

Then Thumbaiappar got back to the temple and he said to that lady that he has found back his parents - he said with tears.

For that that lady said it was a pleasure news for her and she showed him that she is none other than Meenakshi Amman goddess. then she gave him a mirror and a lemon and asked him to keep the lemon on the mirror and come back to her when the lemon is getting rotten and his face disappears from the mirror.

After getting back to his native place, Thumbaiyappa started pooja for Meenakshi and kept the lemon on mirror. 

One day Thummbaiappar saw that the lemon has got rotten there is no more faces on mirror. On seeing that, Thummbaiyappar started to see Meenaikashi Amman. 

Thumbaiyappar started shouting Amma, Amma ( Amma means Mother in Tamil ). 

As he did not see Meenakshi Amman, he fell on the fire which was used for praying Meenakshi Amman in the temple in that day. then Meenakshi amman appeared and got back Thummbaiappar out of the fire without any harm on him.

With the happiness by seeing the devotion he had on Meenakshi amman, she said a word with 8 letters in his ear. 

Then she said that In this world, especially in southern side there is a mob present as negative force and they are trying to dominate the positive force ( God ). 

You will save the people from those negative forces and that is the reason for your birth. Be praying for me and I will be with you. 

You go towards southern direction and stop when you find a tiger with a deer drinking water together and that is the place for you to stay. Meenakchi Amman Blessed him and dis appeared.

Accepting the words of Meenakshi Amman, Thummaiyappar started his journey towards south direction. 

One the way, he prayed Suyambu Linga Swamy and proceeded to Chettyya pathu village. In Chettiya Pathu village he saw tiger and deer drinking water together. 

Then as per the words of Meenakshi amman, he decided to stay in Chitty ya Pathu. Then he built a temple and was praying continuously towards Meenakshi Amman.

Later on, after the death of Thumbaiyar, he appeared in the dream of a Vainavar and instructed him to keep on praying daily, so that Meenakshi amman will take care of all the people and their generation and land. 

Then that Vainavar ( guy who does prayer in temple ) built a temple for both, Meenakshi amman and Thumbaiyar. Then he named Thumbaiyar as Periya Samy as he appeared in the dream of Vainavar in a big shape.

Aindhu Veetu Saamy - Thoothukudi - Infrastructure:

In that temple, Meenakshi Amman is known as Peria Piratti. Later on the gods like, Vayana Perumal, Anandhammal and Aathi Samy were included in the temple. This is the reason for the name Aindhu Veetu Samy - Thoothukudi.

If any one enters through north direction can see Aanjaneyar first. 

Then Periasamy, after that peria pirati, then Thirupuli Aazhvar, Aathiyappan Saamy, Vayana Perumal and others.

Special Prayers of Aindhu Veetu Saamy Temple - Thoothukudi | List of praying ways in Aindhu Veetu Saamy Temple:

Peria Samy in Aindhu Veetu Samy - Thoothukudi is appearing with a wheel shapes divine weapon in hand and this place is known for removing all the negative forces, mental problem removal from the lives of devotees.

One of the best prayers for normal delivery is being done in Aindhu Veetu Saamy - Thoothukudi Temple which is done for Peria Piratti Ammaiyaar by wearing her bangles.

One of the best Tamil prayers for the people who have with legs is submitting leg toys to Aathi Saamy Temple which is inside Aindhu Veetu Saamy Temple Thoothukudi. 

There is a wonder happening every year that all the leg / slipper toys submitted for Aathi Sammy temple will have the foot print of Aatthi Samy on the toys.

People who are affected by bad luck are submitting eggs after rotating the egg around their head. Some are submitting Chicken for the god.

Another specialty of Aindhu Veetu Samy - Tuticorin is the Chithirai Thiruvizha ( festival ) in which Anna Mithirai is given in Aindhu Veetu Samy Temple Tuty.

Tamil month Thai festival is also a special festival in Aindhu Veetu Samy Temple - Thoothukudi which starts in the month of Thai ( comes between January and February ).

Apart from these Aindhu Veetu Samy Temple is also known for the celebration of No moon day, Full moon day etc.,

Another special with Aindhu Veetu Samy temple is that women are given first priority with good respect in this temple. All the things used for pooja in Aindhu Veetu samy will be taken to the god only after the women touch those things.

How to Reach Aindhu veetu Samy Temple - Thoothukudi:

Aindhu Veetu samy is exactly located in Chetty ya Pathu Village of Thoothukudi district which is one the way to Udankudi from Nellai.

Thoothukudi Temples

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