In this page of Thoothukudi Mart we shall see about one of the school that is located in the heart of the Tututicorin non-other than Kamaraj higher secondary School. Also we see about the History, contact details, Fees structure, Specialities, Extra Curricular Activities, Location, Admission process of this school.
History of Kamaraj higher secondary school:
50 years commited service in Tuticorin, Established in June 4 2003.
Nursery Primary school in June 4 2005, and then came under Matric school then upgrade to Higher secondary school.
Address&Contact Details:
Address- 482,Kamaraj college campus, Thiruchendur Road,Thoothukudi-628003
Contact number:+91 4612376361
Whatsapp number:6369736273
Fees details:
For exact current fees of the school, kindly contact the school using the above mentioned contact of Kamaraj higher secondary School.
Separate laboratories for all science and computer available.
Huge playground is availble
Extra curricular Activities:
Co curricular activities:
Vocal music
Classical dance
Admission process:
Admission process in Kamaraj higher secondary school Tuticorin to enquire the above mentioned number and their website and also directly visit the school office room to ask them to appliction process.
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